Fourth of July Theme Ideas for Preschoolers

Time-lapse photography of fireworks display
4th of July Theme Ideas

4th of July is celebrated every year in America. It is the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. Some preschoolers are aware of this holiday/day while others are not. It is our job as educators to educate and expose them to history. They may ask you questions like what is 4th of July? Why are people buying fire works? etc....I have piled up a list of some great activities that you could do in the classroom during 4th of July to engage and continue the discussion. 
Q-tip Fireworks or Finger-paint Fire Works
Materials Needed: Paint or finger paint, butcher paper or white construction paper 

Coffee Filler Fireworks
Materials Needed: Markers (Red, Blue), Coffee Fillers, Water Spray bottle 

Give each child a coffee filler ask them to draw lines or circles and then have them spray it away. Let it dry and wallahhhh.

Salt and Glue Fireworks
Materials: Black construction paper,  Salt, white school glue, red and blue food coloring
Found this idea here>>>School Time Snippets

Flag Patterns 
Materials Needed: Construction paper (white, red)

I love to let my students practice their fine motor skills by letting them cut instead of me precutting their art projects.  I would write lines on the red or white construction paper and have them cut strips along those lines. when they are finished they can glue the strips into a red and white pattern. 

It's hard sometimes to link the 4th of July to math and literacy. Thankfully we are teachers and we are able to make some magic. I have created some really fun hands on math and literacy activities to get your littles moving and learning. Skills covered in this set include but not limited to  letter recognition, letter identification, beginning sounds, writing skills, sight words. Math skills include one to one correspondence, counting, number identification, 2D Shapes, patterns, and color recognition. Click on the picture if you would like to use this in your class as well.  

Have fun creating and learning together!


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